Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Saturday, 1 December 2012
PC Fair Day Two
U know. Really. I am now being pushed to the edge. Uhhhh!
Today's cash short of like, five hundred ringgit. What!?
Ok let me explain.
See, I work as the CASHIER for PC IMOOT. (the company's name has been made up) . PC IMOOT placed me under Logitech Booth with another three Logitech promoters who have nothing to do with PC IMOOT.
Now. As the cashier, I am in charge of the cash only. Whatever the promoters sell, they have to go through me for money. They name the amount, I give the money they needed.
First, all cash bills are hand written by the promoters.
Second, all sale records are not computerized. We do not have a proper cash register. All they gave me was a canvas bag to hold the cash.
Third, one day's sales can exceed five thousand.
Look, I think it is really illogical to manage sales this way.
Now short of five hundred, i hope they won't blame it on me. Really.
The promoters might name me the wrong amount?? Or the hand written bills are faulty?? Why it has to be me??
Five hundred. Lol.
Very. Very. Very. Speechless.
Friday, 30 November 2012
Oh. Finally. I am now in bed, where I must say, is the best place to be.
Exhausted and all worn out after a day's work.
Met new colleagues. Kept one another company for the last 10 hours. My leader is a nice guy. ( I'm lucky phew ). Statistic shows that guy leaders are way more lenient than woman leaders. (Women are temperamental hahaha )
Bad news is, I totally screwed up my first day's salary.
Right. Short of money from the sales. I am the cashier. See?
Sigh. Bad luck. I almost burst into a fountain of tears.
It is not fair. Yes I was appointed to hold the cash but the other promoters did take charge of the money as well.
Gahhh. Whatever. }:(
Monday, 26 November 2012
Excited much. Imagine the sudden rush of joy and butterflies at the first glance. It is going to feel like first love again. Hahahaha!
Monday, 5 November 2012
Life and Hope ; Get Well Soon
I have come to know and comprehend the feeling of apprehension, worry and panic when a dear one is at the verge of danger. My heart raced 180 bpm, my body tightened and a sudden chill took over me without notice. The next minute, a tear rolled down my cheek unwillingly.
It is painfully difficult for everyone who cares about her. I earnestly hope and pray that she will be able to go through this uphill struggle with strength and courage. There are so many things that I have not share and do with her. The family needs her around. Get well soon. :') Although no words can really help to ease the pain she bears, just know that she is very close in my every thought and prayer.
And hey, Baby. I will always be here rain or shine. To comfort and to support you when you feel utterly dismayed. Things will be okay. We are almost there.
Monday, 29 October 2012
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Together at last. :)
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Monday, 22 October 2012
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
“ I love you” means that I accept you for the person that you are, and that I do not wish to change you into someone else. It means that I will love you and stand by you even through the worst of times. It means loving you even when you’re in a bad mood, or too tired to do the things I want to do. It means loving you when you’re down, not just when you’re fun to be with. “I love you” means that I know your deepest secrets and do not judge you for them, asking in return that you do not judge me for mine. It means that I care enough to fight for what we have and that I love you enough not to let go. It means thinking of you, dreaming of you, wanting and needing you constantly.
Saturday, 6 October 2012
缘分 : 选择
我们相知,相思,相爱 ,是我们的选择。
Friday, 5 October 2012
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Meow meow meow. Meow meow meow ? Meow. Meow meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow. Meow meow meow meow meow. :(
Meow, meow.
Monday, 1 October 2012
Right. So. Nine hours later imma sit for my technical drawing examination. Speaking of that. It is my worst nightmare.
Even when I think about it, my hands shake, my blood rushes, my heart leaps. Yes yes though I have last minute tips for the questions tomorrow, but what's the use of the tips if I do not even comprehend the drawings?! LOL. It is definitely toooooooo late to ask around. Everybody is busy with their own revisions to help you out. Not even my best friend. So, I am DOOMED. :))))
Praying very hard that I can answer all the questions with full wisdom tomorrow with God's blessings. Meow.
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Queen Inhyun's Man - a drama so gonna drown you in tears.
In my free time, I’ve decided to follow Queen In-hyun’s Man, a drama that is surprisingly good and touching.
The drama switches between two time periods, 1694 and 2012. The 1694 story line, set during the Joseon era, features our hero Kim Boong-do as he tries to restore the exiled Queen In-hyun. This storyline is fraught with political intrigue as he fights the conniving plans of Minister Min, who supports the opposing Lady Jang. It is in this time period he is given the time-travelling talisman that transports him to the future. The talisman works only for him and only when the hero is in immediate danger of death. Returning to his time period is a bit easier and doesn't require a threat of death.
The modern storyline features Choi Hee-jin, an actress playing the role of Queen In-hyun for a sageuk in her time. She becomes the only friend that Kim Boong-do has in the new world. After a couple of hijinks, the two somehow fall in love.
BUT. As Kim Boong-do goes back to the Joseon era, his talisman gets torn and his memories of his time in the modern era fade away.
Time becomes the main antagonist as the largest obstacle these two have to face.
Well Hee-jin has 300 years blocking her love. The fact that the biggest obstacle the two characters have to face is an abstract idea, time, provides for a more satisfying ending when they do overcome it.
Along with the plot, the characters are written well. Hee-jin is a spunky, impulsive woman. She has her childish moments and she is pulling off the role well, able to portray the spontaneity and the spacey nature of the character. Hee-jin is a good complement to the level headed and serious Kim Boong-do.
Speaking of the Joseon scholar, he has easily become one of my favorite male characters in the K-drama world. He is not a cold, detached, obnoxious, man who has no understanding of basic human interaction. Instead he is an intelligent, level headed, noble,
To be honest, I’m bracing myself for some noble idiocy because this man is just too awesome to exist in a K-drama rom-com. He’s just too damn adorable trying to figure out the 21st century.
The aspect of time travel is well explored in this drama. History has been tweaked as he uses the tools in the future to help him survive and that could have some unintended consequences. The drama also effectively uses time travel as a way for Kim Boong-do to travel quicker. He understands that modern modes of transportation are more efficient and faster. He uses that to his advantage to move freely about and execute his plans. It further emphasized the clever nature of the character and it helped drive the plot.
Anyway...I seriously don't think I can coherently express the extent of my love for this drama. The amount of good things about it is just too much to list. Just - everything about it is perfect. The cinematography is wonderful - you have to physically watch the drama itself to appreciate just how visually stunning it is. And the music is so beautiful - I love saguek instrumentals in general, but here the music is alternately epically exhilarating, breathtakingly romantic or just simply gorgeous and sweeping and plain awesome - it literally makes me get goosebumps and makes my heart beat faster and creates this AWESOME ambience and does all the things that a drama OST should do, and more.
Saturday, 29 September 2012
是一种莫名的感动。偶尔想起会心跳加速; 闭上眼会扬起嘴角笑; 为了守护着这这种感动可以不惜一切为之奋勇,甚至是我每天呼吸的理由。
Friday, 21 September 2012
Are you afraid of death?
What death is like ?
Some says it brings tremendous fear, grief and torment.
Some says it is peaceful, happy and joyous.
Last night was a long night for me. I tossed and turned in my bed, while the thought of death twirled in my brain like socks in a dryer.
As a Catholic Christian, I believe in the existence of Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell. When a soul leaves the body, it will head towards one of the destination. For eternity.
Heaven is a place where a soul will find eternal peace, joy and bliss. The love of God so intense, song of praises all day long, feasts and banquets in the house of God. A place where there will no longer be pain and anger, no hunger and poverty, no anguish and bitter pills. This is a place where everybody on earth longs to be in after death.
Purgatory is a place where impure souls will have to purify themselves before entering heaven. These souls are not banished from God's kingdom, they are not sentenced to Hell, they are just not pure enough to enter to the Gates Of Heaven. In this place, they will experience the grief of not being able to see God's glory. The people on earth will have to offer prayers for them, so that their souls may find peace soon.
Hell. Hell. Hell. Is the most horrible.place you can ever imagine. There are anointed people who have been chosen by God to enter Hell and come back to life again to spread the good news, described hell as a place of unimaginable torment. The souls are trapped in hell, pleading and begging for mercy, while some curse and spit in the name of God.
The demons torture them with fire, serpents eat and tear their insides apart, sharp blades are pierced into their body over and over again.
So , are you afraid of death ?
Well to be frank, I am. Life is too fragile. You never know when is your turn to leave.
There are so many things that I havent achieve, so many places I've never been, so many words unspoken, so many leaps not taken.
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Then there is love – the one emotion that everything is all about – the one thing we are willing to die for, and give up everything for.
Stelena is magical, and yes I will say it, they were destined to be together from the beginning. We all remember the story of Stefan finding the crashed car of Elena’s parents on Wickery Bridge and making the decision to save her when he simply did not have to. Stefan didn’t know who she was or even that she looked like his first love, Katherine (Yes, my belief is that he did love Kat, but it was not a true love). He only saw this by investigating the car crash and saving the girl. Then he “had to know her”. The EPIC love story was about to begin.
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Not For Sale.
Care. Honesty. Love. Attention. Support. Comfort. Shelter. Tolerance. Understanding.
Not sold in supermarkets.
You've got to earn them to have them. Same like you've got to pay five dollars for a bar of milk chocolate. Just that you can't actually pay cash or swipe your credit cards to obtain those.
You have to care to be cared. To be honest to never get cheated on. To love to be loved. To give attention to be found. To support to hear applause. To comfort to be comforted. And the list goes on.
So.... What goes around comes around.
Monday, 10 September 2012
I wish you were here. With me. Right now. I wish I knew a ju-ju that could transport you from Perth to where I am now. :)
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Vampire Diaries
Although some part of the story portrays really evil shoots which I would feel faint each time I watch, the story taught me about love.
Nothing can stop one from loving, as long as the love is real, not even death. So I guess that's what it meant by " Till Death Do Us Part ". :)
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Two Is Better Than One
You came into my life and I thought " Hey you know, this could be something."
Cause everything you do and words you say,
You know that it all takes my breath away,
And now you're my everything.
So yeah it's true,
That I cant live without you.
And maybe two is better than one.
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone.
And I'm thinking two is better than one.
I remember every look upon your face,
The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste
You make it hard for breathing
Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everything's okay
And finally now, believing.
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Sunday, 12 August 2012
I love you
You never know how much you mean to me. So much that well, I am willing to give up everything just to seek for the wondrous joy I see in your eyes.
Each time I skim through our text messages, I would smile to myself, finding myself fall over and over again for you. I know we don't have to see, to touch, and to hold in order to love.
It is in our hearts. For eternity.
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Good Morning Good Night
Every gloom, it is more than just a "Good Night".
Just that at times, we tend to take them for granted and every greeting seems like a monotonous chore.
But I realized,
It is nice to have that someone so special that you save every first and last greeting for them every single day. :)
The first that pass through your mind every morning, and the last to kiss you goodnight every bed time.
It works magic. It creates miracles. Most importantly, it shows love.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Heeee. :)
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Monday, 16 July 2012
这句最神奇的话是 : “ 这一切都会过去。“
当你失败、痛苦的时候,你要告诉自己 “ 这一切都会过去。”
当你成功,得意忘形的时候,你要告诉自己 “ 这一切都会过去。”
Friday, 13 July 2012
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
每一天就这么过,说充实并不充实; 说颓废并不颓废。
每个早晨的目标就是寻找每一天里含有的意义。说的话; 遇的人; 做的事,都是影响你道路的因素。
Monday, 9 July 2012
Bla bla bla checked in at Kings Park, Perth, Western Australia.
Bla bla bla is tagged with fla fla fla at Harbor Town, Perth.
有时候在面子书看到身边在澳洲留学的朋友们 check in , 心里会难免不由自主地羡慕起来,有一股冲动像巨浪般拍打着胸膛。
心里会想 “如果那个人换成我那该有多好。“
今夜,我好想你...................... :)
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Mommy then replied : " A month later on this very date, you will recall what you have said and wish you could turn back time."
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
To Travel Is Better Than To Arrive
“Some famous guy once said, ‘To travel is better than to arrive‘. and I was like ‘What!?’ Well, because I used to think that there was only one path to take to where you wanna get to be in life. But if you choose that one path, that doesn’t mean you have to abandon all the others. I realized that it’s actually what happens along the way….that counts. The stumbles or the falls. The friendships. It’s the journey. Not the destination. You just gotta -I guess- trust the future will work itself out like it’s supposed to.”
-Moose (Adam G. Sevani)
This quote was taken from the movie Step Up 3D. I had my presentation in lecture this evening, and the quote above was used by my group as the main theme for our talk .
I like the quote “To travel is better than to arrive” because it truly is about the journey we take in life. Sometimes the journey isn’t what we expected. I, for one, know that first hand. However, it’s the knowledge we gain, the people we meet, and the mistakes we learn from that gets us to where we want to be in life.
In my opinion, when we just have the destination in mind it skews the direction we want to go in and the way we ultimately perceive things. By only seeing the destination in mind we don’t realize the obstacles we’re going to have to go through to get there. I think this quote truly defines that we won’t get anywhere in life without having to work hard for whatever it is we want to achieve or where we want to get. We WILL have to work hard and put in the effort to learn. We WILL meet people, make friendships, and build relationships–some that last and some that don’t, unfortunately. And we WILL make mistakes. With those mistakes (and failures) we’ll have to learn to pick ourselves back up.
What makes life so precious? It’s the journey we go through. What we experience and what we gain from those experiences while headed towards the destination. The end result.
Right now I am travelling on a road where it will lead me to my dreams. Though what I am going to face while travelling is a question mark. I still hope I could endure them all with faith and courage.
Saturday, 23 June 2012
I was in a restaurant, funny enough, the restaurant was situated somewhere in a Western country. Probably Hungry Jack, Subway, Taco Time or Upper Crust.
I ordered some chips with a group of friends ( I have no idea who they were) and sat down. Then something big happened. A guy was hit on the thighs by a sword flew from nowhere. Disgusting, nauseating as I looked at the pool of blood. We escaped from the restaurant.
I got into a car, a Hilux I remember. I was at the passenger seat, fidgeting, wondering what would happen next. Suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, balls of fire fall from the dark sky.
And then, I woke up.
Happy to find myself so comfortably laying on my bed.
Doomsday is definitely near. But the question is, are you ready for the Lord's Kingdom ?
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
当我 35 岁时,
当我 40 岁时,
当我 50 岁时,
当我 60 岁时,
当我 70 岁时,
孙子们绕膝叫我们 ”爷爷!” , “奶奶!”
当我 76 岁时,
当我 80 岁时,
Saturday, 16 June 2012
A Year Of Love
We have been holding each other's hands for a year. :)
I will not say that it is easy for us to walk through it, but we made it. There are no perfect relationships. Only two person who stays firm together because they give each other something that nobody else could.
I gave baby all my heart, and he gave me his care and smiles that could melt me instantly. That is something that we both cannot find from elsewhere. :)
Despite the bitterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr distance that separates us for a few months before we can meet again, we went through it with faith and love.
Though missing him could be very painful at times, yearning to hug him tight, but whenever I think of him telling me that our separation now is only temporary and that we have forever to spend together, I would smile and whisper in my heart " I will wait. "
Great thanks to Viber, Whatsapp and Skype. They helped us go through the temporary bitterness. We had phone talks every night, we laughed and we chatted like there is no tomorrow.
If conversation was the lyrics, laughter was the music, I guess we made the time spent together a melody that could be replayed over and over without getting stale.
On this very special day, roses and reservation at the restaurant is unnecessary. All we need is LOVE. :)
Love doesn't mean anything if you're not willing to make a commitment, and you have to think not only about what you want, but about what he wants. Not just now, but in the future.
Baby you have always been special to me. You are my guide to light up my way, my strength to keep me moving on, my pillar to lean on and my happy pill to shoo my gloominess. But of all, you are an angel sent by God to stay by my side.
Thank you baby. You are my everything.
I love you now, and forever-more.
Friday, 15 June 2012
Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Waiting alone at the departure hall back to.Kuching. Time flies. Like whoosh! Really fast.
I still remember the day I checked in to depart to Perth; I remember the butterfly flutters I get when I see baby's yellow car waiting outside Perth International Airport; I remember the icey cold wind that blows through my hair that winter morning; I remember pinching his cheeks and dragging him out of bed every morning; I remember the heavenly taste of the juicy steak he cooked to satisfy my hunger; I remember our very own cosy cinema at home with hot chrysanthemum tea and Smiths' chips; I remember his every smile and movements that rings in my mind; I remember the tickling pokes he gives me which made me erupt in gales of laughter.
I miss him.
Frankly, I hate separation. It hurts so bad that tears would sting every time the sensation hit my button. A feeling so bad I couldn't think of ways to dislodge it. My heart has been compressed into a small lump of rock, but heavy as an anvil enough to choke at my throat.
But all these are necessary for us to meet again.
A long distance relationship is powerful. It shapes and moulds us into individuals that come to cherish one another more, to miss one another more. I would never give up. We have forever to spend with each other. :)
Till we meet again, I know that somewhere over the rainbow, you are there missing me too.
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
再过一阵子,天一亮,清晨的阳光露出彩霞时,便是我和他再次相见的时候。 =)
Friday, 1 June 2012
Yeah we are human. There are times where we cannot avoid gossiping about other people.
So it is best that I close my eyes, shut my ears and play dumb.
You cannot hurt me with your actions. :)
Go ahead. I know no fear.
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Time flies.
On one hand I'm glad that time is running fast for the day to meet baby is so soon. On the other hand I'm rather terrified and annoyed by the pace of it, for I'm pretty sure the nine days I'm going to spend with him will swoosh in no time.
Every moment spend together generates lifelong memories. :)
Saturday, 26 May 2012
Home :)
Nothing feels better than being home. The moment I saw the city lights of Kuching from the plane, my heart beats with a glow of triumphant, my legs went jello, my eyes were filled with fanatical gleam. You could literally read " Oh I am Home!" just from the expression of my countenance.
Back to my home-town, back to my cosy little bedroom, my soft kushy mushy bed and my little toy friends.
And tonight, I shall go to bed, with my eyes peacefully closed, for the first time ever, so deeply asleep, all because I am HOME. =)
Friday, 25 May 2012
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Life is remarkably short. Short as in today you still see the daffodils blooming across the wide field, tomorrow they wilt.
Short as in this minute you see the sun shines triumphantly, the next minute dark clouds took over the blazing sun.
Short as in today you still talk to your loved ones, kiss em across the cheek, laughed through the phone. The next day you would probably never get to see them again.
Life is short.
God made everything work in His time. Sometimes we are called home at the most unexpected times.
Cherish everything that you have at the moment.
Things on earth are ephemeral. Love while you can.
I love my family, and
I love you baby.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Sunday, 6 May 2012
I could not deny. I miss you.
So much that I am starting to feel the ache. The inexplicable feeling I get whenever I think about you.
We greeted each other every morning with a hug; we prepared meals together, teased you and said you are a badddddd cook; watched movies at night together. Everything felt so right with you around. :)
Baby I miss you.
Once again, baby you made me laughed SO HARD when I needed an antidote for my worries over exams.
I wanted to grumble about my anxiety, but I do not even have a chance to heave a sigh! For you painted my gloomy night with rainbows. :)
Isn't it amazing,to have someone who knows exactly where to hit your button and make you smile like a psycho ? :P