Sunday 1 February 2015


Sunday 1 February 2015
While typing this, I'm currently in the bus waiting for another sad trip back to Batu Pahat.  Batu Pahat is not a sad place, but the thing that makes me always feeling so reluctant to go back is that Batu Pahat is dull because my boyfriend isn't there. So in short,  anywhere is paradise as long as I'm with him, there.

Anyway,  I havent been blogging for quite some time. It was Alex's birthday just two days ago, and I was so grateful to be able to celebrate his birthday with him for the very first time although we've been dating for almost half a decade. We could only wish each other happy birthday and send kisses over the LDR god: Skype. This celebration however made me reflect on many many things, the first thing that came through my mind was "Wow time is a bullet train, few years ago he was still 22 and now in his mid twenties!". Somehow I still couldn't face the music that my boyfriend is only a few more years to his 30th birthday. Hahaha oops I just made him sound old, but never mind he's got that young countenance that never seem to age idk how or why! (he could still buy students passes and nobody even raise a brow! )

A few days back I was giving some relationship advices to a dear friend of mine. She asked me if Alex has any short comings? I answered of course. Nobody is perfect. She seemed surprised and asked what makes me accept all of him? And I replied because Alex accepted me as who I am too.

Well which is true. Sometimes when we are spending too much time with our other half, their flaws and frailties start to show and portray like connecting their whole self to a LCD projector. Then we start to grumble and complain about their imperfections to ourselves. We might even compare them to someone else, and then we feel that they're not 'good' anymore.
But what is the real definition of 'good' anyway??  (Think about it yourself)
When these feelings start to show, your relationship is starting to fail like the first piece of paint just chipped off your wall. Soon it will gradually become worse that you can imagine.

Then I came out with a hypothesis. "If taking each other for granted is the poison, then being grateful is the antidote. "

Being grateful here doesn't only mean saying Thank You to your partner for the things they do for you, but it means appreciating what your partner does, and who they are as a person. Being grateful means thinking about all your partner's best traits and what got you into a relationship with them in the first place. 

There are things about him that I once cannot tolerate, I now learnt to close my eyes and let it be. There are habits that I once had that bothered him, I now chucked them out of my life. Being with somebody you love changes you. In a good way. Well because they say  " I saw that you were perfect and so I loved you. And then I saw that you're not and I love you even more. "

You are with somebody for a reason.  The reason is love. Be grateful.

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