Monday 30 April 2012

Monday 30 April 2012

Sunday 29 April 2012

Sunday 29 April 2012
There is still a loooooooooooong way to go before I can breathe freedom.

Friday 27 April 2012


Friday 27 April 2012




Thursday 26 April 2012


Thursday 26 April 2012

两个人都要自觉地去消去自己的个性和缺点,只要是不好的习惯,都要收敛起来,而不能把自己当作 1,而让对方成为0。这样两个人才能成为一个整体 

Laughters That We Shared.

You really made my day. The way we joke around endlessly with each other. There was this everlasting bond that forms each time we talk. The way we make fun of each other somehow make me fall even harder.

The laughter that we shared,the warm joy that surrounds us. So sincere. So true. So magical.

As I was typing these I couldn't stop smiling to myself.

I am so glad to have you around. :)

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Wednesday 25 April 2012


Wednesday 25 April 2012


虽然偶尔会举起手比一个 “ 不要跟你好”  的手势,可是第二天又举起手打勾勾,和好如初。


小时侯唯一的烦恼就是- 肚子饿。




Tuesday 24 April 2012

So Much More

Tuesday 24 April 2012
It is one of those nights, where the dark sky is illuminated by the stars that twinkle; the parky breeze that waft through my hair after a pouring rain; the crickets sing under the moonlight in unison with the nocturnal bugs; all the elements of a peaceful night brought me into a deep muse . And I began to wander in my thoughts.

The scorching love I have for him. The blithesome smile of his that would spellbind me forever.
Until today, I didn't fully understand it, but I'd never been more certain of anything in my life.

I couldn't figure out how a warm phone call all the way from Perth, simply by saying goodnight and blowing kisses through the phone would keep me tossing  in my bed the whole night, overjoyed.

How a mere short SMS that says " Drink more water baby "  would really do the magic, which later, I found myself imbibe water, one glass after another.

I was struck by the simple truth that sometimes, the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people. 

God has everything in plan. Alex is definitely destined to bring a massive change to my life.
Life that was once dressed in somber grey, is now embellished with rainbows

I thank God for him.  =)

Sunday 22 April 2012


Sunday 22 April 2012

原来看着他打 game 的样子,是幸福中带着乐趣。
有时候他不小心的一个动作,就足以让我忍不住笑,可是在另一端的他过于专注打怪兽,并不知道我在笑什么。 =P   这就是最有趣的地方。嘿嘿!



(不要生气我把你专注的表情偷拍下来. =P)

Saturday 21 April 2012


Saturday 21 April 2012
一开始热恋的时候是 “宝贝”
情定的时候可以叫 “亲爱的”
结婚后甜蜜的叫 “ 老公”
诞下第一个孩子后改口叫 “爸爸”
为了教育孩子而争辩的时候怒吼 “死鬼”

我会开口叫你一声 “老伴”

Friday 20 April 2012


Friday 20 April 2012

Baby is going to sit for his Ielts test tomorrow.

Good luck and stay calm ok?


I know you'll do fineeeeee ~~

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I love the way we tease each other. The way we laugh and make fun of one another. How we joke around, poking each other with spiky words but never will get mad at each other.

We are lovers. Best friends. And soulmates. 

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Thursday 19 April 2012

A Touch Of Love

Thursday 19 April 2012
You’re the only person that ever made me feel anything, really feel. Even if it wasn’t always the best of feelings, you’re the only one who could make me smile or tear me down in three seconds flat. 
You’re the only person that can drive me crazy, in both good and bad ways. 
You’re the only person that ever made me feel like I didn’t have to try so hard.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Culinary Art Exam

Wednesday 18 April 2012
So I have completed my culinary art exam this morning, thus, my nervousness is finally brought to a halt.
From oriental  table setting  to menu card design to water-lily napkin folding to preparing the selected dishes, I did it all by myself. :D

Hey mummy ! I can cook!

So the picture you see below, is a kind of herbal tea where all Chinese ought to drink from time to time. Lohan Guo With Longan and Winter-melon.
Luo han guo has long been a highly regarded ingredient in Traditional Chinese Medicine, being touted as a longevity fruit. Its well known health benefits include expelling “heatiness” from one’s body and combating chronic throat and respiratory ailments such as throat inflammation.

I added longan and  a few strips of winter-melon slice to enhance not only the taste of this herbal tea, but also creating interesting bites while having the drink.  *munch munch munch*

I learned to fold the water-lily napkin from You-Tube, which turned out to be really attractive on the dining set.

For my main dish, I chose to cook Fish Congee. Or, normally known as Fish Porridge. I love congee, absolutely one of my favourites apart from noodles. Mom is always an expert in making this as my dad is a big fan! Mom cooks congee the Teochew way.

As for my side dish, I cooked Steamed Tofu with Mushroom and Chicken. 
This is one of my favourite dish as well. Mom used to cook this often for dinner. A simple yet delicious dish. Healthy as well. :D

Owkayyy. So this is my table setting.

I made use of my Wushu Fan to adorn the menu table.

Tuesday 17 April 2012


Tuesday 17 April 2012
Pins and needles are poking at my heart, I feel like Hulk is striking at my chest, yes I am NERVOUS!
Tomorrow I shall sit for my culinary art exam, where candidates are required to prepare two dishes and beverage within three hours. That includes a proper table setting with our preferred theme.

I do not know if I can cook well tomorrow, but I shall do my best. The aroma shall waft from the kitchen to Perth and to Kuching. :p

Monday 16 April 2012


Monday 16 April 2012

Every human being is born with a particular characteristic. Whether you admit it or not, it is undeniable that every one on earth is stigmatized as selfish and self centred individuals.

Well yes, I am not excluded.

I want you for myself. Every part of you.

Thou shall not appear in one's thoughts but mine.
Thou shall not be a reason to smile for someone else but mine. 
Thou shall not light up the world of someone else's but mine.
Thou shall love no one else but me, as promised.

I yearn to fill up every single space of your mind, reserving all the rights to fully occupy your beating heart.

I am selfish. :)

Sunday 15 April 2012


Sunday 15 April 2012


Thursday 12 April 2012


Thursday 12 April 2012


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Monday 9 April 2012


Monday 9 April 2012





  • 相思相望不相亲,薄情转是多情累,曲曲柔肠碎。红笺向壁字模糊,曲阑深处重相见,日日盼君至。

  • 生死契阔,与子成悦;执子之手,与子携老 彼此关心照顾,非关风月,只为真心。

  • 行到水穷处,坐看云起时 由爱生嗔由爱生恨 由爱生痴 由爱生念 自从别后 嗔恨痴念皆化为寸寸相思。有花堪折只需折 莫待无花空折枝 相爱容易相守难。

  • 月亮和星星很难说哪个更好的,如果你不要只为错过月亮而低头哭泣的话,也许会看见繁星满天呢!那也是不逊于月亮的美景!

  • 但曾相见便相知,相见何如不见时。安得与君相诀绝,免教生死作相思。

  • 从喜生忧患,从喜生怖畏;离喜无忧患,何处有怖畏?从爱生忧患,从爱生怖畏;离爱无忧患,何处有怖畏?是故莫爱着,爱别离为苦。若无爱与憎,彼即无羁缚。

  • 一步一惊心的人生,一步一痛心的爱情。

  • 红烛有泪,画屏无声,金钗尚在,芳魂渐远。
  • 彩袖殷勤捧玉钟,当年拚却醉颜红.舞低杨柳楼心月,歌尽桃花扇底风.



Saturday 7 April 2012


Saturday 7 April 2012



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Friday 6 April 2012


Friday 6 April 2012





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Monday 2 April 2012


Monday 2 April 2012

Happiness does not come from gold and silver; rich and fame. 
Simplicity is happiness.
Loving husband. Pumpkin kids. Happy life. Blissful days.

I know my wish is gonna come true, when I found you. 

Sunday 1 April 2012

The Change Up

Sunday 1 April 2012
Just finished watching a movie.  The Change Up.  It is probably one of the most inspiring movie that triggered my thoughts.

It is a story of two best buddies who envied each other's life. One had a gorgeous wife with three sugar kids, the other is a single hunk who smokes weed and flirt with girls.

They made a wish , unintentionally under the fountain. Probably a magical one. And the next morning, they swapped bodies.

They eventually found out that it is best to be themselves, rather than somebody else. And that there's nothing else more important than to cherish our loved ones.

We as typical humans, tend to fascinate about how it would be like to have this and that in life, how great to experience stuffs other people seemed to be enjoying it, how we compare and complain about our own lives but never see the goodness in it.

Most importantly, how we take the people around us for granted.

Life is unpredictable. It's like vapour in the wind.  Flowers blooming today may wilt tomorrow.

Cherish life. Be grateful for your family. Love your friends. Appreciate your lover. It is not their obligation to love you, but they do.  =)

So yeah.  The Change Up.
Hi daddy and mummy. I miss you guys. 

Hi baby. I love you more each day. =)

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Near !

I will just have to top up my mobile phone one more round .

Attend mass at church for eight more Sundays.

Experience another eight Monday blues and TGIFS.

Check in luggage at Johor Senai Airport one more time.

Then,  I will see him again.  =)

Hello to the first day of April.

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